Boards & Committees

Town Board
The Aurora Town Board is comprised of four councilmembers, all elected at-large (representing the entire town, not a specific area), and the supervisor. Together, these five elected officials comprise the legislative branch of our government. Each member has one vote with a majority vote required for the passage of most legislation.

Assessment Review Board
This board is the hearing body for members of the public who file grievances regarding the assessment value placed on their property.

Aurora Public Library Board
The Library Board makes recommendations to the Town Board for capital improvements to the library building and grounds. The operating budget of the library is funded through the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library System; the library building is owned by the town.

Climate Smart Community Task Force
As a newly registered Climate Smart Community in New York State, the Town of Aurora unanimously passed the Climate Smart Community Pledge on September 26, 2022. The following October, the formation of our Task Force was approved to implement the actions necessary for obtaining certification status with the NYS Climate Smart Communities Program.

Open Space Committee
The mission of the committee is to define, inventory, and evaluate the Town of Aurora’s priority open space resources and work with the community to develop and promote a plan for the protection of these resources.

Planning and Conservation Boards
The Planning Board reviews all development projects and subdivision developments, and makes recommendations on all commercial, industrial, and business development. This board also makes recommendations regarding proposed changes to the ordinance and has assisted in the development of a master development plan for the town.

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals hears and deliberates applications for variances to the town ordinances.